


Watch the Video Below For More Details About Using Scripts

to Communicate with Your Prospects:



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We call this Course the "One Email a Day for 30 Days Challenge".

You watch what will happen at the end of that time! This course will help

you find your "Spark" and help you learn how to

dramatically increase your ratio of sales!







Copy / Paste Letter: 

Also watch for all the (NAME) areas and put their name in there.
There are a few areas scattered throughout each message.

[Make sure to take OUT ALL RED words in brackets
but make sure you read them FIRST!]
[First, click on their email address and copy paste this message. You 
may also send this by an autoresponder broadcast. Just make sure 
that it applies to those you send the message to! 

Add their name to it and put “(their name) from (you)” in the subject title.]

Here’s the email to send when they first subscribe


(NOT for when they write back asking for info): 

Script 1

Hey (NAME), how's everything today? 

I want to introduce you to another program we've been using
that you can start for free, only takes 5 minutes to do each day and
if you do the work, you should see earnings ( that are worth your time)
in your account on day two! Want me to send you more about it? 

Let me know! 

They Answer Back: 
Hey (name). So nice to meet you! ?? 
Do you mind me sharing my story with you (name)? It might help you:
In 2012 our school lost funding and I lost my job as a teacher (been a kindergarten teacher for 20 years) 
So over the years, I was in 40 different business opportunities and never had real success with any of them.
Sure I made some money here and there but my biggest problem was consistent online sales.
Anyway, my online business changed when I came across my seven-figure income mentor.
My mentor taught me a lot of things but the most important was how vital real communication is with your
new prospects and team. Today we have over 160 paying members on our team with over 12 leaders
and it keeps growing daily. We make sales every single day and often It’s because of our team and not even
our personal efforts anymore. Before I used to have trouble even making a sale maybe once a month. 
Anyway, my business partner (from Macedonia) and I (from California) have had a lot of frustrations for many
years working online until we were mentored by a professional and began making consistent income.
We also teach these same principles to everyone on our team. We actively promote Cliqly (just to help you
begin earning right away and then the Power Lead System to teach you the skills that changed my life)
together because we found we were making more and more monthly income online than any 
other program we’ve worked with and now encourage everyone to join us. 
We promote differently than most people and will share all our methods and best
traffic sources with you. Would you like to join our team (NAME)


Send them the Link: 
(NAME) Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate that.
So I've been helping and coaching hundreds of people for years to help them
learn the skills that personally changed my life and I look forward to getting
to know you and working with you (
As you know, it took me years to figure out the skills to succeed online. 
However, in that time I've found a system that teaches you these skills 
while you're busy earning.

Here's the link to join us in an awesome "done for you system". The success 
can be duplicated levels and levels down. Two important questions:
 1) Does it work? and 2) Can you do it? Both of those questions should 
easily be answered with a "yes"!  ??
So here is the link to join and also everything that you need to help you be successful.
By the way, our team will share with you tons of free traffic, free viral leads, 
promo codes, and even our mentor's strategy of using traffic to make a ton of sales. 
Of course, I can't make income guarantees as I don't know your work ethic or other 
factors that may affect that, but I do know for a fact that doing the right things produces
the right results. Honestly, it's way more than I can possibly explain but you can see it all here: 
By the way, this program will help you start earning right away and then I will share more 
about our main program so that I can teach you all the skills that changed my life. 
Anyway, I will be here for you 1:1 at every step.
Let me know after you join so I can help you. Ok 
Will you let me know how it goes (NAME)

They join Cliqly for Free:  


(NAME), I see you joined Cliqly as a free member. Congrats on that! 
So I have a training page that will really help you and answer 
all your questions too. Would you like me to send it to you? 

Talk soon! 

(Your Name)


(NAME), I 

Script 5 

Hey (NAME)! Just wanted to see if you got the email I sent you yesterday? 
Let me know! :) 


Script 6 

(NAME), nice to hear from you! 
Here's the training link I made to help you with what's happened to our team
and questions and answers too: 
Here's the training link:
By the way, each evening (mon - fri) I'm on Zoom to help my team if you want the help. :) 
Feel free to connect with me on Skype or Facebook Messenger, so we can talk and then
I can share the Zoom link with you at that point. I look forward to working personally with
you and helping you succeed (NAME)
Skype: Albion Derbyshire

Script 7 


(NAME), nice to hear from you! 
Ok, so I don't see you in my downline. Check to see who your sponsor is. If it's me then that's fine. 
However, if not then can you try joining again with my link using a different email address? 
Here's the training link to help you, (NAME)!
By the way, each evening (mon - fri) I'm on Zoom to help my team if you want the help. :) 
Send me your phone number so we can talk and then I can share the Zoom link with you
at that point. I look forward to working personally with you and helping you succeed! 

Script 8

(NAME), nice to hear from you! 
So I have something to help you. This program you can start for free, 
only takes 5 minutes to do each day and if you do the work, you should see 
earnings ( that are worth your time) in your account on day two! 
I will help you personally to learn the skills to succeed online!
Will you let me know how it goes (NAME)
PS: My phone number is 626-379-5692
if you want to connect with me. :) 

Script 9

(NAME), Cliqly is VERY EASY and has produced over $500 for me in just this last month. 
It only takes 5 minutes a day and you earn real money from it (about $8 a day). 
It will cost you $97 to upgrade to get the credits but you should be able to earn about $200 from that
payment (that's what I did with 5 minutes of work a day). You should be able to earn about $200 for $97 
and for another $97, you should be able to earn about $300 to cash out. This is like asking me for $2
 and me giving you $3 (paying $200 to make $300). Elizabeta and I have been searching for a program
like this since 2018.
I don't think you will be disappointed in it. I have 8 people on my team who have been testing it out with me. 
So far two of my team members have cashed out (and my payment is coming this Friday). I  
strongly suggest you do it as I think it will be a huge part of your breakthrough financially Don. 
Please use my training to understand more about it here: 
I'm glad you're moving forward with GDI and PMS and being able to refer others and get good at it 
with the 5 Critical Skills will earn you a lot. I've already made $$300 from just referring 3 paid members
in Cliqly and I think this will help you too. I can show you how to use the tools in PMS to create these
referral pages that I've been using. If you can get on Zoom, I can show you how to do it personally! 
I will be on Zoom tomorrow evening through Friday (God willing). 
My goal is to show you how to refer and get paid members through your emails and I will teach you this if 
you give time and energy to learn it a little each day. I hope this helps (NAME :) 
Let me know! 


Script 10






Congratulations on Viewing These Scripts.??

Have Questions? Connect with us below.

We're looking forward to working with you!

Elizabeta Kuzevska Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692

Click for Email Address



Congratulations on Viewing all the Scripts.?? 

Have Questions? Connect with us below.

We're looking forward to working with you! 

Elizabeta Kuzevska
Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692


Created byAlbie Derbyshire 2020